We are pleased to announce that our PhD student, Carla Erismann, recently completed a week-long training course on Factorial Survey Design at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Cologne. Led by Professor Kathrin Auspurg from Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU) in Munich, the course provided in-depth knowledge and practical skills in this advanced research method. Factorial survey design, or vignette analysis, is increasingly used to study complex issues like agri-environmental programs and environmental justice. By presenting respondents with hypothetical scenarios, this method allows researchers to explore how various factors influence attitudes, decisions, or choices. Carla's newly acquired skills will be essential in our work on Work Package 2 of the CLEAR project, where we are investigating opportunities within agri-environmental programs. The use of factorial survey methods will strengthen our ability to address multifaceted challenges in environmental policy. We look forward to applying these insights to our research and sharing future developments as the project progresses.


Future events

CLEAR project kick-off workshop CLEAR project kick-off workshop

CLEAR project kick-off workshop

7th and 8th of June, 2023, at Paulinanaue, Germany.